Food and Drinks in ancient Egypt:

     Ancient Egyptians diet mostly consisted of bread. Bread was a significant part of their cuisine; there were 30 difference shapes of bread available. Sometimes, bread was also used with different types of fillings. This was the first time sandwiches were made. The fillings included celery, scallions, cucumber, lettuce etc. They also ate chickpeas, turnips, and vegetables like celery were sometimes eaten raw.
     Fruits were also a part of the ancient Egyptian cuisine. Grapes were eaten the most. Egyptians also grew fig trees which was also a part of their cuisine including dates.
      Meat was also another source of food for the Egyptians. Not everyone could afford meat all the time. This included ducks, quail etc. Poultry was the most important ancient Egyptian cuisine.
     Mutton and Fish was only accessible to the wealthy families.

     Beer was the main drink of ancient Egyptian cuisine. But beer they drank was significantly different from the beet available today. Their beer had many nutrition benefits because it was made from crops of barney that the Egyptians farmed themselves. Different types were spices were also added to beer to enhance it's flavor. This drink however was only accessible to the rich families of ancient Egypt.
